Happy June! This month we will be focusing on Men's mental health Awareness. There are many stigmas behind men's mental health, and we will get into it in this blog. We will get into the importance of it, the difference between women's mental health, stigmas, and advice.
Why is men's mental health awareness so important? Well, it's as we preached in every blog, your health is important. And here at Allow Health, we focus on mental health of all of you. We value every single one of your mind’s health and want to help you grow and stay healthy. Men’s mental health is undermined a lot like women in a way that society has created the ideas of how men should think and feel. For example, we put the idea into both men and women mind that men are typically not “emotional” like women are. As well they created the idea that they can’t show their emotions, or they are deemed as “weak”.
We are here to de bunk those myths and give you some advice and take care of your mental health:
Men don't cry; This just quite simply isn’t true. The fact is that they can and are entitled to. Crying is a way for our bodies to release emotional tension and come out of it a little more relaxed. It helps us take a moment and recollect ourselves. Men shouldn't be exempt from it nor shamed for it. IT IS OK TO CRY.
Men are tough and strong and aren't emotional; When it comes to being “tough” and “strong” there is an emphasis on the physical but what about the mental? Not all men are as physically strong and there is always a guy stronger than the next, but we overlook the strength that comes from the mind. Being mentally strong can serve many purposes such as empathy and emotional intelligence. It also serves to help with emotional regulation. We have emotions and feelings and may express them differently, but what sets things apart is understanding them and naming those feelings/emotions and coping with them in a healthy way.
Men use aggression to solve problems; There is no reason to have to solve problems with aggression and promoting violence just makes it harder for men to work out their feelings and emotions rather than having a simple conversation. It benefits you and people around you if you can just work out your problems level headily. If we allow men to talk rather than throw the first punch, we are promoting healthy relationships and communication.
Here’s how to improve men’s mental health:
Re-evaluate stigmas and stereotypes you may use and make a conscious change
Get Intune with your emotions
Find a hobby or activity that helps you cope
Talk to a trusted mental health professional
Prioritize your mental health first (you can’t help other until you help yourself first like putting your oxygen mask on first just like in an air plane before helping others around you).
England, A. (2021, November 5). The Complete Guide to Mental Health Care for Men. Healthline Media. https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/mental-health-care-for-men
Clinic, C. (2024, May 23). Men’s Mental Health: 11 Tips for Taking Care of Your Whole Self. Cleveland Clinic. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tips-for-taking-care-of-mens-mental-health